Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sketchbook and Joe Weatherly Workshop

A few weeks back, I had a the opportunity to take an animal drawing workshop with Joe Weatherly through my college, the Academy of Art University. It was a great two days that I would readily do again. In fact, I am considering a season pass to the Oakland and San Francisco zoos, so I can get more practice in.

Here are some scans from my sketchbook. Three of Joe Weatherly's drawings are included (two are in blue pen). Some drawings are from the zoo and others are from the Oakland Museum where the animals are taxidermically arranged in glass cases (much easier to study because they...don't move).


Lolita Sudjono said...

whoa you set up a blog! cool animal sketches dude, i want to go to oakland zoo & museum again.

Chiaroscurosity said...

Thanks for the advice Lol! This is a great place to post random art. You know, my Character Design class is going to the SF Zoo next Wednesday (4/9). I can't wait! Study, study, study...